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PSTI Statement of Compliance

Notice: New UK Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) Law


We, GeoSmartPro LTD. hereby declare that under our own responsibility, our devices fully comply with the applicable security requirements in Schedule 1 of The Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (Security Requirements for Relevant Connectable Products) Regulations 2023.


Schedule 1 specifies security requirements that relate to manufacturers of relevant connectable products. This includes the following three requirements.


  • Products cannot use a universal default password or one that is easy to determine.

  • Manufacturers must provide a public point of contact to report security vulnerabilities in products.

  • Manufacturers must publish the minimum amount of time a product will receive security updates.


Statement of Compliance:


Please see below for the Statement of Compliance that will accompany in-scope GeoSmartPro products.

Users can report vulnerabilities to the support team at 


Revised 16/4/24

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