What is an Air Fryer?
Air fryers produce foods that are crispy on the outside and moist and tender inside without actual frying. An air fryer works by circulating superheated air at high speed. Due to the compact size of the air fryer, the preparation is even quicker than other methods, which means food can be cooked much quicker than in a traditional oven and is more energy efficient. One of the many valuable qualities of air fryers is the countertop which makes it easy to access and relocate.
Up to 75% Energy-efficient.
Up to 50% quicker.

An compánach foirfe do do shruthú beo agus do vlogging.
Feabhsaíonn cothromaíocht dath inchoigeartaithe an taithí do do lucht féachana.
Ligeann trí sholas dathanna inathraithe duit an téama a shocrú de réir do fheidhmíochta.
Foirfe le haghaidh sruthú beo, vlogging, Tik Tok nó lampa deisce. Unleashing an taithí le do stíl mhaireachtála!
10% go 100% dimming stepless
Scáthán maighnéadach.
Roghnaigh idir modhanna éagsúla srutha aeir agus solais.
Roghnaigh idir modhanna íseal, meánacha, ard agus nádúr.
Suas le 15 uair an chloig úsáide.
Déan gníomhaíochtaí agus truicear do AirLit a uathoibriú.
Aer Lit
Lucht leanúna cliste iniompartha, solas agus scáthán.
Tá GeoSmartPro bródúil as AirLit a fhógairt. An 1ú háit sa Ríocht Aontaithe ar fad, lucht leanúna cliste, solas fáinne agus scáthán.
Ag luí isteach ar do stíl mhaireachtála gan uaim. An compánach cliste le haghaidh do shruthú beo, obair ó bhaile nó makeup.
Tugann an aip GeoSmartPro lán-ghnéithe smacht iomlán duit ar leideanna do fhigiúirí!

Intuitive digital
touch panel
App control
Easy view basket
Heat resistant handle
Non-slip feet
Pro Air technology
Cooking time range
Pre set food options
8L large basket
Dishwasher safe basket

Reveal the Chef in you…
Cook delicious and healthy meals or bake a cake!
Our Pro Air-tech system provides high-speed air circulation, steams the outer and makes food crispy with 80% less fat.
Smart Chef

Ceart go leor, Google, cuir an AirLit ar siúl!
Níl le déanamh ach iarraidh ar do chúntóir gutha.
Ceangail do AirLit leis na cúntóirí gutha is fearr leat, ar nós Amazon Alexa agus Google Assistant .
Get your recipes featured, tag us on Instagram @geosmartpro.

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