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Smart Air Fryer
Smart cooking, healthy eating.
Unlocking the potential of the GeoSmartPro Air Fryer. Powerful, large capacity, ideal for healthy meals, sleek design to fit in your kitchen.
The Air Fryer can also be controlled by the Tuya app which allows users to pre-set their cooking settings according to the recipes they love to cook, all at your fingertip.

Smart Fan, Light with detachable mirror.
​GeoSmartPro is proud to announce AirLit. The UK's 1st all in one, smart fan, light and mirror.
Fitting into your lifestyle seamlessly.
The smart companion for your makeup rituals, live streaming and work from home.
The feature-packed GeoSmartPro app gives you complete control over your fingertips! Learn more.

One app, total control.
One app, total control.
Download the Tuya app to control your products from anywhere in the world.
Customise your preferences and make your GeoSmartPro products come to life, fitting seamlessly into your home.

Integration at its best.
Connect your products to your favourite voice assistants, such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

British Lung Foundation
A floor standing fan or desktop fan can also help, and you may sleep better if you have a fan in your bedroom at night.

Experts found that putting a fan on could cut the risk of SIDS by 72 per cent compared with not doing so.
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